ECCC Wrap-Up

This post is a bit overdue, but I am back from Seattle and had a great time at the Emerald City Comic Con. I was able to pitch the book to quite a few publishers and they seemed receptive. I also showed the book around with a lot of other creators I respect who were at the con like Steve Niles, Mitch Gerads, Jason Howard, Kurtis Wiebe, Jim Zub and a ton more. Everyone had really nice things to say about the book, which is great news. If they felt I had put together a professional looking package, that gives me hope a publisher will feel the same way.

Now comes the hard part: WAITING!

It totally sucks, but it's part of the gig. In fact the publisher I want more than anything in the world to publish this book, IS LOOKING AT IT RIGHT NOW! It's so very exciting and terrifying at the same time. Just waiting for the email that says yes or no.

In the meantime I've also sent the book off to book agents, trying to get representation so they can pitch to book publishers if comic companies pass. So we'll see what happens. Trying to cast a wide net, so we catch something. I really want to see this book come to life.

So all in all, ECCC was a fantastic time. Met a lot of really great people and got to spend the weekend with my dad which was great. He came out, went to his first comic convention and didn't hate it. Then we spent an extra day in Seattle seeing the town and got lucky enough that one of my favorite singer/songwriters was in town so we caught the show. It was a great weekend and hopefully I can go again next year, this time as publisher author.
